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What is Motivational Interviewing and How it Will Serve You

What Motivational Interviewing is, fundamentally

Motivational Interviewing, fundamentally, is a about arranging a conversation in such a way in which a person talks themselves into change based on their own values and interests. This is performed using an empathetic, collaborative style of communication based on partnership, acceptance, compassion, and evocation. When a person’s values and interests are discovered they are then used to strengthen motivation or commitment for positive-sustainable change. The advantage to the Motivational Interviewing practitioner is that it “removes them from the outcome” by learning that they do not have to fix problems in another person and sustained change only occurs when an individual makes it occur. In other words, people learn about their own attitude, beliefs, motivations, and wants by a single notion; hearing themselves express them. Because there is no greater subject matter expert in your life than you are!