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Educational Professionals

The educational field is an area that often sees a high level of change management. Whether it is on the individual level with behavior change in a student or organizationally with an entire internal culture change in administration. The ability to successfully process change is important. However, processing change (either on the individual or organizational level) is not as simply as what it sounds. Motivational Interviewing aligns values with behavior to create sustained change. Motivational Interviewing uses a four step process to discover these values and interests to connect with a person, making them feel “heard and understood” and then ultimately being able to create a plan for behavior or culture change. Educational professionals or parents will connect on an empathetic, deeper level with students/children thus building a strong foundation of trust and respect. Students/children will gain empowerment over their own futures, which leads to greater confidence, self-actualization, and happiness. Motivational Interviewing is a wonderful tool to be used by all Educational Professionals and parents alike.

  • Guidance Counselors
  • Teachers/Professors
  • Administration
  • Parents
  • Student Services