About Telos MI and The Pacific Northwest Institute of Advanced Leadership and Change Management

Our Mission

Provide innovative leadership and change management training and strategies that empower individuals and organizations for sustained success.

Our Values

At The Pacific Northwest Institute of Advanced Leadership and Change Management and Telos MI we honor the values behind the spirit of Motivational Interviewing.

Our Vision

Respecting each individual and organization’s background and irrevocable right and capacity for self-direction.

About Us


At Telos Motivational Interviewing we honor the values behind the spirit of Motivational Interviewing:
  • Partnership: True sustained leadership and change begin with a collaborative effort that is done “with” and “for” someone; not “to” or “on” anyone.
  • Acceptance: That each person or organization has the soul right to be accepted as a fellow being or entity capable of deciding what is best for them.
  • Compassion: A deliberate commitment to pursue the welfare and interests of an individual or organization.
  • Evocation: Knowledge that each person or organization is an expert on themselves and discovery of this knowledge leads to ability of sustained change.

About Telos MI

Telos MI was created on the realization that Motivational Interviewing is much more than an evidence-based process for change management; it is also an essential tool for leaders who are looking for an innovative form of connecting with fellow co-workers, stakeholders, and customers. Telos MI adheres to the spirit of Motivational Interviewing and its construct; however, we teach Motivational Interviewing in a way that lays the proper foundations for the “why” behind M.I. This allows for greater knowledge and understanding of the “how” to perform Motivational Interviewing. It is our goal to give each student and organization a deeper feeling of empathy for others along with combining a refreshing internal intuitive sense of self-awareness and mindfulness by “letting go of the outcome”, our classroom motto. We further realize that each person and organization has the ability and right to accept change that is proper for them and on their own terms.  This includes each student and person we encounter. By understanding this, we feel, students can empower and embrace the process of Motivational Interviewing as a change management tool in helping others reach sustained change along with growing themselves in the areas of leadership and self-awareness.   At Telos M.I. we understand that as an organization or individual you are unique; therefore we tailor training to fit your needs. We can make the necessary adjustments to allow your population to understand how Motivational Interviewing would work for them. This is done by a pre-class collaborative effort in assessing your needs and desired outcomes.  We also believe that each person in our class has different learning styles; therefore, we use innovative instruction styles that connects with each student, creatively.  Further, we take time to listen and understand each student on a personal level.  We respect the depth of knowledge and experience each person brings to a class and embrace the persona of lifelong learners ourselves. Each person makes our life just as rich as we hope our class does for them.